What is a paradigm shift and how does it affects your life?
A situation in which the usual and accepted way of doing or thinking about something changes completely: The widespread use of social media represents a paradigm shift in the way we. The frequent use of the phrase 'paradigm shift' has made scientists more aware of and in many cases more receptive to paradigm changes, so that Kuhn’s analysis of the evolution of scientific views has by itself influenced that evolution. Time to go veg?. For Kuhn, the choice of paradigm was sustained by, but not ultimately determined by, logical processes.
Plus 3 proven steps to shift a paradigm so that you can create a freer, fuller and more expansive life!
If you aren’t living a life you absolutely love, it’s simply because your current thought paradigms aren’t serving you.
In fact, most people’s paradigms cause them to procrastinate about the very things that will help them create a life they’d truly love living.
So what is a paradigm then?
How can we define paradigms in a way that’s helpful to understanding them?
The term “paradigm” was first coined by physicist and philosopher Thomas Kuhn to mean, “a fundamental change in the basic concepts and experimental practices of a scientific discipline.”
When applied to your own life, you can think of a paradigm as a collection of thought patterns that produce habits, that produce results… that may or may not be in harmony with what you would really love.
We all have paradigms in each area of our lives, paradigms that we inherited early in life from our parents, teachers and the culture we grew up in.
These paradigms dictate how we think about money, relationships, career, health and so on.
Paradigms aren’t inherently good or bad.
![Paradigm shift meaning in telugu Paradigm shift meaning in telugu](https://www.proctorgallagherinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/August-2015-affirmation-iphone.png)
They’re either expansive – serving you and creating growth in an area of your life, or contractive – creating subconscious blocks and challenges.
Some of your paradigms are likely working great for you, while others may be keeping you stuck.
And if you want to know what your paradigms are producing in your life, all you have to do is look at your current results – because your results are a perfect mirror for the paradigms that you think from and live by.
If you have a dream for your life but that dream is not happening for you, the great news is that you can change your paradigms to better service and manifest your dream.
This is called a paradigm shift, and all it requires is shifting your perspective.
Think of a paradigm shift like this…
Before you build a house, you need a blueprint for it – a pattern or plan for how the house will turn out.
Paradigms are like blueprints, or plans, for specific results in your life.
If you want to change something about the house you’re building, you change the blueprints first.
The same goes for shifting your paradigms to generate different results in your life!
![Paradigm shift meaning in english Paradigm shift meaning in english](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FdwMZcj40IU/maxresdefault.jpg)
![Paradigm Paradigm](https://epsilon.aeon.co/images/94d113b4-dd5f-492a-91f3-19ea91936db3/idea_sized-psm_v54_d328_optical_illusion_of_a_duck_or_a_rabbit_head.jpg)
Creating a paradigm shift is simply an awareness issue. Once you recognize that you have a paradigm in place, you have the power to change it.
You have paradigms in place in all areas of your life… maybe without even knowing it.
You create results in for major areas of your life: time and money freedom, health and wellbeing, relationships, and vocation – and chances are you already have pretty firm paradigms in place in each area, some of which may be limiting
Common paradigms holding you back
Here are some examples of common contractive paradigms that may help you identify where your own paradigms are holding you back in life.
Paradigm Shift Meaning In English
Time and money freedom paradigms
When it comes to your relationship to money, for example, you may have been patterned to think that it is wrong to love money, or that wanting more money somehow makes you unspiritual and greedy.
This is a very common but inaccurate paradigm that actually keeps many people from experiencing greater abundance in their lives!
And in terms of your time freedom, perhaps you struggle with how to prioritize tasks, because your current paradigm has you believing that your calendar must be full of obligations before it is full of activities you love in order to be productive and successful.
You may not have ever realized it, but your relationship to your calendar reflects powerful paradigms you have in place about how your spend your time!
Health and well-being paradigms
When it comes to health and well-being, many people adopt the paradigm that so long as their physical health is robust – that they get annual physicals, exercise and eat well – that they’re in optimal health.
But did you know that know that realizing and living into your purpose in life is one of the biggest factors in your overall wellbeing, and can actually increase your lifespan significantly?
Relationships paradigms
Perhaps you were raised to believe that “relationships are just hard,” so you consistently find yourself in difficult relationships.
Or maybe you think that forgiveness and letting to of resentment mean pardoning someone for hurting you, when in reality, you never have to see a person again to forgive them.
Reflect on your personal relationships for a moment.
Are there patterns you see in your friendships or romantic partnerships?
If so, you likely have paradigms in place that are subconsciously at work.
Vocation paradigms
One of the most common reasons why we procrastinate on our dreams is that our current paradigms like to keep us comfortable where we are.
Our paradigms can tell us that the vocations we feel called to are irrational or too big to achieve, when in reality we can accomplish nearly anything we desire with the right blueprints for our dreams.
It’s also common to believe that we have to sacrifice financial stability when pursuing a vocation that we’d truly love.
This paradigm can keep us in a job or field that isn’t truly fulfilling for us.
3 steps to shifting a paradigm
We all have paradigms in place that generate results in our life that we may, or may not, be in love with.
But the great news is that you can shift your paradigms easily in order to generate different results in your life.
Once you become aware that you have a paradigm in place, and that you have power over your mind and thoughts, these next three steps will come naturally for you…
1. Identify an “impact moment”
An impact moment is like an “a-Ha!” moment, where you recognize a contractive paradigm that you have in place.
Identifying an impact moment is a powerful step because it involves looking at a result you have in your life that you’re unhappy with and taking responsibility for it.
2. Immerse yourself in a new paradigm
In order to break a pattern, you have to actually replace it with a new one.
So once you’ve identified a paradigm that isn’t serving your greater good, you have to adopt a new one.
This can involve journaling, saying mantras, listening to meditations, attending personal development events, and so on.
The key is to immerse yourself in this new thought pattern.
3. Embrace repetition
In order to implement a new paradigm long term, repetition is key.
Just like a new habit often takes 90 days to stick, thought patterns take time to become second nature and to generate the results you desire.
So whatever your immersion techniques are, keep doing them.
Eventually you’ll have an entirely new system of paradigms and work in your life, and your results will reflect them!
Paradigms are power
Remember, you are far more powerful than any circumstance, situation or conditions you will ever find yourself in.
You can’t always control what happens in your life, but you can always control how you choose to respond.
And by becoming aware of your paradigms, and ensuring you have expansive and empowering ones in place, you’ll be truly astounded by how quickly you’re able to shift your thoughts and create extraordinary results in your life that you’re absolutely in love with!
Do you long for more in life, but you’re not quite sure what it is that you would most like to be, do, have or give in this life?
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The world is in the midst of a huge paradigm shift and it is happening at record speed on a global level. Before I explain what I am talking about let’s find out What is the meaning of paradigm shift?
Well, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary a Paradigm Shift is “an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way.”
Now that we know what it means I am sure you can think back to a few that we have already experienced over the years.
But what is the Paradigm shift we are in today?
Let’s take a look, it has been a year since COVID has made its appearance which has changed the world literally overnight and the world will never be the same.
What do I mean?
Well, there has been a forced shift from retail to detail.
Sure, we had started to see some stores closing before the covid hit however the covid kicked online shopping into overdrive which forced many local stores to shut down and the online companies to expand their service to the point they had to find more warehouse storage. Even Amazon is now buying aircrafts to help keep up with the delivery demand.
If you take the time to really think about it you will see how much covid has changed just how we shop.
What did we learn?
During lockdown how did you buy the things you needed?
I don’t know about you but I learned to shop online, even for groceries.
How did you go to work?
Were you laid off and unable to work?
Maybe you were one of the lucky few who was able to work from home.
Wasn’t it great to not have to commute? You didn’t start your day with the stress of traffic or have to deal with all the fuss at work.
You just got to do your job and take the breaks when you needed to.
A lot of people go to work on their hours and they love it.
What do you think working from home taught your employer?
Do you really think that after experiencing significantly lowered overhead expenses as one of the benefits of using remote workers that employers will rush to get you back in the office?
Most have experienced half the cost of expenses which translates into double the profit.
I even found some companies already have decreased their floor space to half or less which means less rental expense.
A friend of mine worked at an office building and she has already been told she will continue to work at home because they downsized and don’t have the space to bring her back in.
I know I would certainly use remote workers as much as possible limiting the necessity of large office space to house workers.
My Own Shift
I was raised in the days when you went to the bank to do your banking, you knew the tellers and bank manager and they knew you.
Everyone knew everyone and the world was a very warm, friendly place, at least in our little community.
I loved to chit-chat with the people and looked forward to talking to them again.
Today everything is so fast-paced. Banking is done online and nobody knows their bank manager or tellers. You may or may not even have to go to the bank to sign loan papers, even that can be done digitally these days.
This no doubt will cause problems in the future.
Everyone is a stranger and the world has become cold and devoid of human contact especially since this pandemic began.
I knew that to live the lifestyle we have dreamed about we needed to find a way to supplement my husband’s military pension.
We didn’t want to go back to giving up our freedom for a job, we wanted to be in the driver’s seat.
![Shift Shift](https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/3-s2.0-B9780750678889500028-f01-05-9780750678889.jpg)
It was quickly realized that the only way to do that was to have our own business.
At the time when we got started with our online business, we thought online because that way we can travel and take our business with us. This would be very handy for visiting our kids where we can make extended stays or spend more time on that vacation we enjoy.
Today we have recently realized that was a very wise decision for other reasons than we had thought of at the time.
If you are going to have a business in this day and age, you better be online unless it’s a service. Even the companies that supply services are going online to get exposure. No one will call you if they don’t know you.
It’s important to build a strong online presence or you will get left behind wondering what happened.
So we are so glad we took the plunge when we did.
Together with my wonderful husband, we created two websites and an online store.
Naturally, there was a ton of things we needed to learn which is why we went searching for a training platform.
What we found was so much more.
We came across an excellent Training Program that really intrigued us and so we signed up for the FREE training to check it out.
We are so glad we did because it was an absolutely amazing experience.
Initially, you get so many FREE training sessions and I was shocked that we actually had a website LIVE by the end of lesson 3.
These are not fake lessons, you actually learn the stuff you need to and actually build your website.
Can you imagine, I had my website up and live by the next day and I haven’t even spend a dime yet.
This of course was only possible because the company combines all the required software into one simple and easy-to-use platform, making it as easy as pressing a few buttons and it’s up.
Step By Step Lessons
The lessons lead you step-by-step through the process. All you have to do is follow simple directions and do exactly what Kayle tells you to do.
Of course, there is more to just having your website up, you need to add content to make it useful which the lessons cover it all.
I can assure you I am no techy, I grew up without a computer, so for me to be able to launch a website is nothing short of a miracle in my mind.
For me, I love the online community that offers 24-hour support 7 days a week from other successful entrepreneurs. There is always someone available to answer any question, I like that.
Anyway, I can go on and on about the value you get from this training but my husband already covered it in his article here.
Be sure to go check it out if it interests you.
He goes into more detail so you get a good picture of what to expect from it.
I will tell you this if you’re looking for a way to make money online… THIS ONE WORKS.
The value far surpasses the monthly fee and is worth so much more in my opinion.
We have both learned and grown so much since our online journey has begun and we are so grateful we found it.
Did you have a paradigm shift?
So did you have a paradigm shift throughout the lockdowns and restrictions of COVID?
Have you been working from home and realizing that you actually prefer it?
Many do but not all. Some prefer the separation of work from home.
Do you find your day starts better and calmer without the commute?
Maybe you are one of the unfortunate many who has actually lost their job because of the pandemic.
Maybe you just decided you want to work for yourself and be in control, total control of your own destiny.
Or perhaps you are one of the few that end up working even harder and longer hours.
Why not work for yourself
Why not go into business for yourself. You won’t have any more layoffs or bosses to deal with.
If you need to be working from home then why not work for yourself. To me it just makes sense.
I mean why rearrange your house, to be able to work efficiently to make someone else’s dream come true.
Why not put that energy into your own business. Build your own future, in your own way and on your own timetable.
The best place to be these days is online so why not check out the same FREE training that got us started.
![Paradigm Shift Meaning Paradigm Shift Meaning](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/T6H7PH/conceptual-hand-writing-showing-paradigm-shift-concept-meaning-fundamental-change-in-approach-or-underlying-assumptions-businessman-smiling-and-point-T6H7PH.jpg)
There are many ways you can make money online.
- You could start a blog-based website and write informative articles on topics that you are passionate about and write helpful reviews about products you love and earn a commission when people purchase.
- You can let Google place ads on your site and you will earn a small commission if someone clicks on an ad on your site.
- How about an online store where your site links your readers to thousands of useful products.
If you have a traditional business, creating a strong online presence will help make people more aware of your business.
The possibilities are limited only by your imagination and the one certainty is that you must be online these days.
Final thoughts
What Is The Meaning Of Paradigm Shift?
Paradigm Shift Meaning In Urdu
I think we can all agree that it is a powerful shift in thinking and I believe this pandemic has been the driving force behind it.
Most of us have been forced to reevaluate our lives and determine what is truly important to us.
Many have found themselves either out of work or having to work from home.
This leaves me thinking if we must work from home, why not work for ourselves.
I find I have so much more energy, excitement and positivity since I have been working for myself
Is it easy?
No, but it’s a whole lot easier than working for someone else and it’s so satisfying to be self-sufficient.
It is amazing how much stress we all have to deal with by working a 9 to 5 job which we truly don’t realize until we are away from it and in control of our own future.
Learn More About The Program That Got Me Started.
What Is A Paradigm Shift
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