Zabbix Slack

Infrastructure / Zabbix It’s surprisingly easy to setup Zabbix to send notifications to Slack including customizing which notifications go to which Slack channels and what to include on the Slack message. There is official documentation for Zabbix 4.4 available here. We have a local Zabbix server (working), we have a remote Zabbix active Proxy with PSK encrypted connection (says its working), that remote server is running Ubuntu and it has an agent on it that i believe is looking at itself and we can see that in the Zabbix server console as we added it (so we have a Proxy thats checking in under proxies and that host on the proxy also checking in to. Make sure you create an API token for slack by creating a Slack App, then using it’s Verification Token. Hopefully in the future I revisit this and make use of the Client ID, Client Secret, Signing Secret configuration. So to provide that file we need to create the following in your zabbix configuration directory ex. / ext / zabbix / slack.

  1. Zabbix Https
  2. Zabbix Slack Invalid Payload
  3. Zabbix Sap
  4. Zabbix
  5. Zabbix Slack Integration

Recently Slack has gained a lot of usage, requiring Operations teams to try and integrate Zabbix Alerting with their Slack Installation, here’s how to do so.

You will need to get your Slack Post URL, fill that value in the following script.

import requests
def sendAlert(webhook_url,alert_msg):,json=payload)
'text':'```Status: %sn%s```'%(sys.argv[2],sys.argv[3]),
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Zabbix is an open source network monitoring application capable of monitoring network devices, servers, databases and web services on a wide variety of operating systems.

Zabbix is available at zabbix_agentd (SBo), zabbix_proxy (SBo), zabbit_server (SBo)

1) Create the zabbix user and group

3) Install the necessary version of Zabbix from SBOPKG/Slackbuilds

4) Create the MySQL database Mac os mavericks 10.9 imagen dmg original 1 link mega.

4a) On your MySQL server, connect with full privileges:

4b) Create the zabbix database & user:

4c) On your Zabbix server, connect to the new database, create the schema & add initial data:

5) Configure PHP:

5a) Zabbix requires some parameters in /etc/httpd/php.ini to be altered:

5b) Enable PHP in /etc/httpd/httpd.conf:

Zabbix Https

  • ADD: index.php to the “DirectoryIndex index.html” line.
  • UNCOMMENT: “Include /etc/httpd/mod_php.conf” line.
After changing the php.ini file, you'll need to restart httpd for the changes to have effect:

6) Edit the zabbix_server configuration file(/etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf):

Zabbix Slack Invalid Payload

Zabbix https

7) Make /etc/rc.d/rc.zabbix_server executable:

8) Start the Zabbix server

Zabbix Sap

The Zabbix server can be accessed via a web browser at http://your_server/zabbix/



Zabbix Slack Integration

Follow the setup instructions. Kik download for mac.

* Originally written by arfon
* Contributions by mfillpot * Contributions by markand
